Learn to sew with Sarah~in the comforts of your own home, on YOUR sewing machine!!!
In this course, you will learn how to sew zippers, easily & with confidence!! We'll make projects with zippers together, in our private facebook group & I'll be available to answer questions! You'll receive EVERYTHING you need to make all FIVE projects over the course of 4 nights!! Shipped FREE, right to your door!!!
This class will be a live version, our class schedule is as follows ~ Tues, April 14th, Tues, April 21st, Tues April 28th & Thursday April 30th.
Projects we'll make~
Night 1 Coin Purse with D Ring
Night 2 Make Up Bag
Night 3 Lily Wristlet
Night 4 Mandy Tote Bag
This class is PERFECT for those of you who are familiar with some sewing basics OR seasoned professionals who are tired of using traditional sewing patterns!! Sarah is self taught & has shortcuts, tricks & tips galore!! We'll really focus on zippers, as that seems to be the most requested/most complained about process in sewing!